Explore our preventative maintenance tips and tricks on this page!
Is your noisy garage door driving you crazy? Have a look at our tips page for suggestions on how you can solve this problem and deal with other minor issues before your next professional maintenance check.
Keep tools away from the opener
When a garage door doesn't seem to be working properly, self-designated handyman (and handywomen) may be tempted to tinker around with the opener; more specifically, with its motor. If you're considering doing the same – DON'T! Your garage door opener is an electro-mechanical device. That means you can get shocked, or your fingers can get caught in its gears. Simply call our experts and we'll make any necessary repairs.
Avoiding garage door injuries
Be a good teacher and let your children know the dangers a garage door may bring. Do not let anyone stand under a garage door and never run under it when it is already closing. Make sure you test the safety features of your garage. Perform regular check-up and maintenance on the door and get our technician to fix any problem.
Using electric garage doors with glass panels
Glass panels are normally a great way to make your garage door look much more pleasing to the eyes. However, garage door experts over at Woodland Hills advise that if you plan to use glass panels with an electric garage door, make sure that the process does not damage the glass.